Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day Breakers...My Thoughts

I went to go and see Day Breakers last night and I found it pretty interesting. It's basically Hell on earth as extinction not only occurs for humans but for the immortals as well. As theyboth push forward to find a solution, everyone is forced to engage in goolish, gory, uncontrollable, and selfish, and necessart acts in order survive. As the human race and vampires push forward for answers, they each fall victim to their own individual fate.....

I enjoyed the movie. I think it would have been awesome in 3-d (like My Bloody Valentine, but better). The sound effects and the amazing visual effects would have made it a "kick ass" 3-d movie. As a matter of fact, although it might cost us more money, I think people would enjoy more 3-d horror/scary movies..I know I would! In the movie Avatar, I jumped a few times becasue the tree branch, a tail, or a bird appeared to be an inch from my face.....imagine if that had been a bloody ax soaring towards my face. Any who I thought it was fabulous fun and give it 2 thumbs up!


Celeste said...


shallowford said...

I highly recommend seeing the movie, Sherlock Holmes...Two thumbs up!!!!! Will also buy on DVD when available.

Celeste said...

Hey Shallowford! I also saw Sherlock Holmes and found it most entertaining, funny, dramatic, and witty. Robert Downey Jr. did a great job in that roll. I see a sequel comming though.

shallowford said...

We know who slallowford is..

shallowford said...

Celeste have you seen the movie, Burn After Reading with Brad Pitt and George Clooney...Hilarious movie about a bunch of morons..Clooney pretending to be a CIA, and Francis Mcdormand and Pitt going to the Russian Embassy trying to sell what they though was highly classified information, but was garbage....Laughed my Ass off!!!

Celeste said...

I have heard of it but haven't seen it. Can it I rent it at this point? I love a good comedy so I will look for it. I don't remember that even being in the movies! I want to see him in the "goat" movie. Looks funny! Did you see Paranormal Acitivity yet??

Celeste said...

Another good Vampire movie, well sort of, is Underworld. It took me a while to get into to it, but I like them. I have only seen the first one, so I'll have to catch 2 and 3 either on tv or renting them.

shallowford said...

No, but Paranormal Activity is now out on DVD, it saw it the other day @ Wallie Word (Walmart)....It's funny, Anthony also wanted to see the goat, Pitt movie...Is it out on DVD????

shallowford said...

You know that will be my next movie to watch..Underworld, is that with the chick from the movie Van Heilsing (vampire movie)??

Celeste said...

Well I will look to rent Burn After Reading..and yes that's her from Van Heilsing.

shallowford said...

You know another good comedy to watch is, The Ref, with Dennis Leary and Kevin Spacey...Funny, funny adult humor, I could actually relate to that movie...LMAO!...I could go on and on with good movies...

Celeste said...

Yeah I did see The Ref! That was funny. I am still trying to narrow down my favorite comedy movie...

DAdamsJr said...

Very PROUD of you.
Follow your PASSION.
It works for me
Luv Ya

Celeste said...

Thanks cuz! Luv you too.

shallowford said...

Horror Express also scared the hell out of me too, and to this day I'm afraid to watch it. I love horror movies and could watch just about all of them except that one...

Celeste said...

Oh go and ahead and watch it! No we did watch it..lol