Sunday, February 7, 2010

"Memiors of a Geisha"

"Memoirs of a Geisha" was one of those movies I wanted to see in the theaters but didn't get a chance to. It was excellent!!!! I hear the book is much better though. Goes into a lot more detail as usual. The movie illustrated jealousy, bitterness, and maliciousness we as women can sometimes have towards each other. The costumes that the Geisha women wore where so beautiful and authentic. It really explained the culture and the history of a they come to be, what they are, and ultimately what they stand for. Something I didn't know. One thing is certain, the Geisha women got the "other woman" concept down to a form of art where they are taken care of. Every movement of a Geisha woman had a purpose. From fulfilling all of man's desires, to never asking questions or having expectations from men, being mysterious, and showing beauty in every way, men are treated like kings.

The story begins with a 9 year old who had been torn from her family and all she knew and sold into prostitution. After being forced to acclimate herself to her situation, she finds herself growing up faster than the average 9 yr old. She is forced to leave the family and life she knew behind her, faces jealousy, competition, work, love, and sees life for what it is. Tough! With her beauty, style, grace, training, education,and eagerness to pay off what she was sold for and to find love (something that is not for the Geisha woman), she ends up being the greatest Geisha ever and the desire of every man. And after all she had been through she never lost herself.

I really enjoyed the end. It had me wanting more. I'll have to read the book. A def must see!

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