Sunday, February 7, 2010

"The Taking of Pelham 123"

"The Taking of Pelham 123", wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be. There wasn't as many shoot outs as I would have liked, like the Die Hard Movies or Passenger 57. They could have made it more suspencful and it would have been nice to see Denzel tell his boss of in the movie. They made his character much to modest. Denzel was good in the movie but I dont like the way they potrayed his character based on what we are used to seeing from him. John Travolta was good. He played the bad guy similar to what he played in "Face Off". I actually like him better as the bad guy in "Face Off" rather than "The Taking of Pelham 123". If they added more shoot out scenes, made John a little more of a bad guy, and Denzel less of one, it would have been a much better movie.

As Denzel begins work as any other normal day, he finds himself being at the wrong place at the wrong time. He is forced to be the negiotiater for the police as he holds the lives of New York Citizens in his hands. With time against them, authorites and the mayor rush for a ransom, Denzel stalls for time as they try and get answers and solutions to the taking of Pelham 123 and it's passengers. Denzel is forced to get closer and closer involved as he risks his own life for the lives of others. As the day closes and the clock is ticketing as John threantens to kill off each passenger if he doesn't get his money,a deeper story unfolds, and Denzel is once again is forced to deal with the situation head on.

Not one I would buy, but might watch it on HBO.

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